12 Children’s Books About Mental Health

There are many different situations kids go through that can be hard to understand. Emotions, anxiety, depression, behavioral and learning challenges, all creep into their everyday lives. There are many different ways to help your children work through these situations. Books are a wonderful way to teach your children about mental health. Don’t Feed the […]

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Acceptance and Supporting Same-Sex Parents

Recently I read an article that had me just feeling terrible. The article was from Christianheadlines.com and its headline is ‘New Research Shows Increased Risk of Same-Sex Parenting‘. This article was claiming research shows that kids raised by same-sex parents have increased emotional issues, depression and sexual abuse. Looking into the sexual abuse argument is […]

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31 Days to a Positive Inner Voice: Negative Self Talk and Self Harm

Our thoughts have a lot of control over our mood and our daily lives. How we talk to ourselves can drastically affect our feelings, how we interact with ourselves, our family, and friends. It can affect our behavior and ultimately our health. Negative self talk can cause depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. All […]

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Procrastination: 5 Ways to Decrease Procrastination and Other Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Who is your greatest enemy? Have you ever considered it may be yourself? Do you procrastinate until the very last second? Do you secretly fear success? Do you quit when things get tough or because you do not see instant success? These are all self-sabotaging behaviors and they are a sign that you may be your own enemy.

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