15 Journal Prompts to Promote Self Love Around Valentine’s Day

There are many benefits to journaling. It is a wonderful practice to promote self love. Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time for many, especially if you’re single, but It can also be a wonderful time to build yourself up. Journaling is wonderful to work on raising your self love and self esteem. Having some […]

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Self-Love: Why It’s Important to Love Oneself

As Valentine’s Day approaches I see, like every year, ads, on social media, on commercials, and in stores, pitching gift sales for your loved ones. Yes, it is very important to display your love and gratitude for the people around you but I tend to argue that just once a year, on a holiday, is an excuse. It should be done year-round. What I fail to see around this time of year is the importance of self-love and I think that is a huge failing to society as a whole.

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How Journaling Can Improve Self-Esteem and Decrease Self-Doubt

Journaling can be a very helpful with many mental health issues especially low self-esteem and rampant self-doubt. Have you ever been extremely anxious, angry, sad, frustrated, and once you spoke to someone, or wrote it down, you felt better? Just being able to express yourself is very important for happiness. Journaling is a fantastic way to express yourself.

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